Going to a divorce is not easy; there are a lot of emotions going around, and sometimes people don't think straight during that period. That's the reason why you need a good divorce lawyer if you ever find yourself...
The United States’ employment protection is a vast and complex area. There are more than 180 laws protecting the workers and enforced by the Department of Labor. In general, there are eight sections that the Department of Labor is...
Injuries at work often happen. While some jobs are generally safe, doing some other jobs puts people at constant risk and the likelihood that an injury will occur at some point is quite high. That is why everyone should...
It is said that one in seven people in the world is disabled, and millions of them cannot do their work properly because of their condition. When it comes to the United States, the percentage is even higher, and...
"I can win any process, but I am ready to work strictly from 9:00 to 18:00, and I will come to the interview only after the end of the working day." This attitude will scare away most employers, even...
Legal salaries have increased by double digits in recent years, but that hasn't stopped many companies from having trouble filling open positions. A majority of businesses now see difficulties in finding and keeping good employees as a significant threat...
Many people confuse domestic relations lawyers, family law lawyers, and divorce lawyers with each other. By the definitions of their job, they are all the same but in truth, it’s more complicated than that.
Divorce falls under family law, though...