Thanks to the rise of hiring a cab and ridesharing options offered by market biggies like Uber and Lyft, it is easier to skip the vehicle availability hurdles and get to the desired place within no time. They are popular options not only because they offer unique services but also because they offer privacy, comfort, and of course, a safe traveling experience.
But, as luck has it, what if someday you are traveling in an Uber or Lyft, and the car collides, and you become a part of the accident? After the first aid and learning properly about the details of the incident, the first thing that you should do is initiate a legal process by dialing your Uber accident attorney in Miami.
Florida Laws Related To Companies In The Ride Sharing Business

Back in 2015, when the ridesharing companies like Uber were making their mark on the world map, the Florida government introduced a law requiring these ridesharing companies to possess a license to dispense their services. The insurance includes when the driver logs into the app, followed by their pickups and drops, and the logging off.
The Florida House of Representatives Highway and Waterway Safety Subcommittee and mandates passed HB 509, which covers the minimum insurance requirement. It includes that if a person suffers bodily injuries and dies during such an accident, the amount stands at $50,000. Bodily injuries occur with the death of an individual, amounting to $100,000 for each accident, and if the property is damaged, the amount stands at $25,000.
In 2017, an additional rule was passed that stated that such a company needs to have insurance that recognizes the driver as a driver for the transportation network company and that the person is using their car to dispense the duties assigned to him.
What If You Are Injured As A Passenger
First of all, you should know that no one likes to be a part of an accident, and hence, an accident can happen due to potential negligence in which the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians are exposed to risks. The injuries can be bruises or grievous hurt, internal and external.
So, injured passengers can seek lawful compensation by filing a lawsuit with the help of hired attorneys. You can check if you can get compensated based on their auto insurance policy along with pursuing compensation in the form of a personal injury claim for the medical expenses that you will incur for the treatment, followed by others like any pain or suffering, lost earnings, and other forms of damage.
You should check that the ride you are booking or the company’s application you downloaded for the said purpose has fulfilled the insurance requirements covering accidents related to operations in any jurisdiction. You will know whether the accident will likely be properly covered.
However, this does not mean that the process will be easy.
Insurance companies have a habit of going to great lengths to reduce their costs and achieve settlements that serve their best interest. So, catastrophic injuries take time to recover if you have been injured in any such road accident.
The expenses are huge and ongoing. Hence, you should seek a legal expert’s help to have a fair settlement. The attorney will review the offered settlement options so that they can see what can be worked upon in the best format for you.
What If You Are Hit By An Uber Or Lyft

So, you might think that the rights will change or there will be some additions or subtractions. But, the truth is that the rights will be the same as in any motor vehicle accident where you are struck by faulty driving or any other aspect of the drive when you are driving your vehicle.
When you are hit by an uber or lyft, you can contact your attorney and opt for insurance coverage against the at-fault driver. It will help you gain compensation for medical costs, any injury and pain that you have incurred, and any earnings that have been lost.
The compensation also includes the anticipated costs of the medical treatment and recovery against the injury you gained from the accident. Also, if there are any lost earnings, you can add the amount to the compensation you demand against the hurt caused to you due to the accident.

You should ensure that you are hiring an experienced attorney who works based on the real scenario and has experts on board who can tackle the issues and determine the true value of the lawsuit.
When you face personal injuries during an accident due to a ridesharing company, it can be complex as they involve issues, including a civil lawsuit and insurance subrogation. The average person does not have any basic reason to understand it.
However, the good news is that when you have an experienced professional working for you, they can use their expertise and sort these issues so that you can seek the maximum extent of the physical, mental, and emotional recovery as a result of the things that you have faced because of the accident.
It would help if you discussed with your attorney to focus on the issues and contentions that can be raised to have the available coverage against such issues.
Insurance claims are a detailed process and you need to work on so many aspects simultaneously so that you are rightfully covered and assured under it. When you download these transport cab service applications on your phone, you become happy with the kind of convenience that you will unveil with them.
But, car accidents while traveling from a cab are unfortunate to another degree as you are not even the one behind the wheel. But this does not make you skip the liability that has landed on your shoulder. Hence, if you are a part of such a situation, after securing yourself and the co-passengers, if any, you should not delay legal help.