A lot of people all over the world are looking for ways to move to the developed countries such as Canada, the USA, or some of the countries in Europe such as Germany, France, Italy, the UK as well as the Scandinavian countries.
These states are by far the best to live in and Canada is still one of the most sought after. Despite the cold weather that this country is characterized by, the state remains pretty open to the people who want to come here and start a new life.
Approximately, there is about 80 different ways to enter Canada and become their citizens, but we are going to mention some of the most common ones. In the rest of the articles, you can read more about who qualifies for Canada citizenships and you can determine whether you fall under any of these categories or not.
Different Programs for Canada Immigration
A large number of people who come to Canada arrive through the Express Entry Program. Over 100,000 people are accepted each year and the good thing about it is that about 90% doesn’t have a secured job in Canada before coming.
In other words, you don’t need to find a job prior to arriving in Canada. This is a good thing because you can use up your savings until you settle in and find a job that you like. Of course, having a job prior to your arrival is great because you can start working immediately and not worry about your finances, but the Express Entry Programs makes it a lot easier for you to come to the country in the first place.
Other than that, you can use Provincial Nominee Programs

Unlike the previous program, this one requires you to get a job to apply. However, different provinces have different ways in which they select candidates, so make sure you find out more about that before you select which of the programs is the best for you.
Luckily, we live in a digital age where all the information is available to you on your laptop. For more details about Canada immigration, you can visit emigratecanada.com. You can find more details about the jobs and different programs as well as life in Canada itself.
Now, in terms of the qualifications, the Canadians are looking for specific occupations and therefore different groups of people can apply. The good thing is that there are a lot of job openings and you can easily find which group you belong to.
The Federal Skilled Worker Program

The qualifications for this group is secondary or post-secondary and the examples of jobs include restaurant managers, mine managers, dentists, doctors and other highly-skilled professions. For anyone that falls under this category, you should know that you can live in Canada in just about six months, which is a quick transition.
The Federal Skilled Trade Program
If you are a plumber, electrician, butcher, baker, or a specialist in any other trade job, this is the right program for you. Usually, provinces in Canada require workers from these areas of expertise to have at least two years of prior experience before applying, but that may not be the case for each province.
The Canada Experience Class

Tech professionals, architects and any kind of managers that are looking to move to Canada should consider this program.
The Other Programs
As we’ve already said, there are over 80 different ways in which one can move to Canada and some other common professions that are looked for in this country include drivers, field workers, IT professionals, medical professionals, construction workers, housekeepers, care-givers, etc.
Marriage or Schools

You don’t need to go through official programs in order to gain the Canadian citizenship – there are other legal ways in which you can enter the country and eventually get the papers.
One common way is through marriage. This is a bit specific, because you need to meet the person who is a Canadian citizen and get married in order to become a citizen yourself.
While it isn’t that common, it is a viable way to achieve your goal and the best thing about it is that you have the support of your spouse through the process and someone who has lived in this system their entire life.
Another common way for you to get citizenship is if you’ve studied at one of the colleges in Canada. This isn’t as easy as it sounds and the entire process is pretty complex, but a lot of people are offered to stay in the country after they graduate and get a job. This is a good way for young professionals to get the citizenship.
Canada recognizes young talent from across the world and they are willing to keep people who are educated and who will contribute to society by working a great job, having a family and simply be a valuable member of the group.
One Of The Easiest Countries To Get A Citizenship

As you can see, you can come from different backgrounds, have any type of education and work any kind of job and you are more or less eligible to apply for the Canadian citizenship.
Although the process is complicated and it can last for more than two years (In fact, one should live in Canada for three years out of five), Canada offers one of the simplest paths to citizenships in the world. Some other countries that are pretty open to the foreigners include Singapore, Peru, Ireland and Dominican Republic, but these countries aren’t as popular.
We have briefly informed you about different qualifications required for Canadian citizenship, but there are other aspects to this type of immigration. Whenever you decide to move, make sure you study carefully what it takes and whether you are eligible in the first place. The best solution would be to know somebody who has already gone through this process, but if not, you can always consult with the Embassy or any other official body.