There can be multiple reasons to sell a piece of property. Some people do it out of necessity; if they own a property and are undergoing a rough patch, they can get a lot of money if they sell a house or a piece of land.
Some others sell their homes when they have to relocate to another city or country. And a significant fraction of people sell a house when they see that there is an opportunity to make a profit.
The price of land and the home built on it increases with time; the increase happens more rapidly in case the locality develops fast. Whatever might be the reason behind selling a property, it always involves a lot of paperwork and, more often than not, involves some legal hassles as well. People looking forward to selling their house in Houston can visit this site to sell house fast in Houston.
Reasons Why People Might Need An Attorney To Sell A House In Houston
There are some states in the US, like Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, etc., that officially require a legal attorney for closing a house selling deed. However, Texas has no such restrictions; hence people technically do not need an attorney to finalize a home selling contract in Houston.
However, it almost always involves a lot of paperwork and complexities. Hence having a person who knows about the laws and has a past experience can make the process of sale much smoother.
Dealing With The Complexities If The Property Was Obtained As An Estate

In all cities of Texas, including Houston, an executor (the lawyer who is a witness to the will) has to file for probate within four years after the death of the person who made the will. If the inheritance is straightforward, then the matter can get sorted fast. However, if there are contesting claims, the legal procedure can be long and tedious.
If a person wants to sell a contested property, an attorney will help simplify the issue and get the matter sorted before listing the property. Legal hassles can significantly reduce the worth of a property. Hence it is always a good idea to clear such legal issues before listing the house because no buyer wants to invest in a disputed property.
If The Property Is To Be Sold By Joint Seller
At times husband and wife jointly invest in a property, and hence they have an equal stake in the proceeds of the sale. However, sometimes the couple might get divorced before the property is sold.
In these cases, an attorney will be of great help as he will ensure that both parties get a fair deal. Ideally, the sale proceeds should be divided on the basis of the initial investments that were made while the property was being procured.
If The Property Has Succession Issues

Some owners may have written a will where they had given the house to any of their children. If the house gets sold during the owner’s lifetime, the children might create legal hassles in the transaction. An attorney will sort out such issues and ensure that the owner gets his due.
If The House Was Built On Loan Money
Many houses are built by taking a loan from a bank. And the loan amount has not been recovered entirely before the house is put on sale. In such cases, the bank might legally have to be made a party in the transactions. All such formalities and paperwork will be done by an attorney.
If Some Disclosures Are To Be Made To The New Buyers

At times the house might be in bad shape, and the seller might not have the resources to get the repair works done. In such cases, it is desirable that a formal disclosure is made stating the property’s actual condition.
By making such disclosures, the new buyer will not complain that they were cheated or paid more than the home’s real worth. An attorney will help draft the papers for such formal disclosures.
If There Are Issues Regarding Rights Of Way
At times a property may be located in such a place that it comes in the way of public infrastructure facilities. If a new road is to be constructed near the house or telephone cables exist near the home, the permission for sale can be delayed. In such cases, it is said that it comes in the right of way. In such cases, a lot of legal work needs to be done before the home can be sold.
If There Are Issues With Tenants

If a house has tenants who have been living on rent for a long time, it might be pretty tricky to evict them. If the tenants stay in a place for a long time, they might begin to think they have some kind of right on the property.
In such situations, a lawyer becomes necessary. He can clearly explain the tenant’s rights and limitations and settle matters if any case is filed in a court of law.
To Verify If A Seller And Buyer Is Getting A Fair Deal
An attorney can ensure that the seller is getting a fair deal. The attorney can warn the seller beforehand if the final contract has any suspicious clause. Before someone goes out to sell something, he might want to verify the titles and the deed papers. All this can be easily done with the help of a lawyer.
A lawyer is a professional who is well aware of the legal nitty grits. Moreover, some places like Houston do not have any zonation on land. It means that in this city, there are no separate industrial, agricultural, or residential areas.
Such unique laws can further complicate land-related issues. Hence, it is always a good idea to hire a lawyer if the homeowner himself does not have enough expertise, the right contacts, or the time to deal with legal matters.