Getting a divorce after a permanent green card has been issued is a situation faced by many foreign national spouses. Usually, there are problems in the marriage before the foreign-born spouse obtains the green card, but the couple manages...
A divorce is never an easy experience. Even when both parties are contented and able to end their marriage without much disappointment, divorce is something that won't be pleasant. These days, divorces tend to take a bad route, full...
People get married mostly because they want to be together and raise a family. Sometimes, they put their names on wedding certificates so they can get some benefits when moving to another country. Also, there are marriages that are the...
Divorce is a hard-hitting reality for both individuals that have been married. Both people are in distress if the process is long and time-consuming. Divorces can be completed within 6 months and can even take years to complete. Everyone deserves...
More and more couples are choosing to file for divorce online. While this offers many advantages, there are also some things to consider before making this decision. For example, the cost of filing online can be cheaper than hiring a...
Going to a divorce is not easy; there are a lot of emotions going around, and sometimes people don't think straight during that period. That's the reason why you need a good divorce lawyer if you ever find yourself...
A prenuptial agreement is also known as a premarital agreement that takes place between the two individuals prior to getting married. It is a formal contract between the two partners which is written and documented. The agreements are signed by...
Having disagreements and quarrels with family members is not surprising, since everyone has an individual personality that may or may not sync with the other. Every person has a different opinion on a subject which may conflict with the...
When people get married, they usually don't visualize themselves experiencing tension-filled evenings, or consider the possible legal actions when the marriage is no longer functioning. For couples ready to part ways, a collaborative divorce is a strategy taken by...
A person's life may experience some of the most trying and terrible moments when they decide to divorce their spouse. Going through the extremely difficult divorce process might feel like an overwhelming burden because of the frequent powerful emotions...