You can file a lawsuit when you experience aggression from the police. These lawsuits are often filed under three violations: Fourth Amendment violations, Fifth Amendment violations, or Fourteenth Amendment violations. For your case to proceed, it is important that you know your rights and what constitutes an infringement upon those rights. A New York police brutality attorney at Friedman Levy will help you understand these different types of violations in more detail. This will help you make informed decisions about your next steps after experiencing something as hard as it.

Fourth Amendment violations


To successfully bring a lawsuit based upon Fourth Amendment violations, you must prove that an officer engaged in conduct that was “clearly excessive” to the necessity of their duties. It is important to note that this will not be enough for your case to proceed.

Victims must also show a violation of their constitutional rights. It will help them to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. Third-party citizens who have been illegally searched or arrested can also bring suit against police officers. This kind of attorney will help you understand what is legally defined as a search and seizure in this context.

Fifth Amendment violations

For your case to proceed under Fifth Amendment violations, you must be able to prove that:

  1. An officer intentionally inflicted emotional distress on you.
  2. You were physically assaulted or threatened with physical assault
  3. An officer intentionally inflicted physical pain on you,
  4. An officer intentionally inflicted psychological harm on you through illegal strip searches,
  5. Prolonged detention and the use of force

Fourteenth Amendment Violations


If you suspect that your rights have been violated regarding due process and equal protection under the law, then you may be able to bring a claim under the Fourteenth Amendment. However, it is important to note that this type of violation will only apply when you experience different treatment than similarly situated individuals who were not victims. These attorneys can guide you through your options and help ensure the best possible outcome for your claim.

Know Your Rights When Stopped by the Police

New York law grants all individuals the right to be free from improper police conduct with few exceptions. If you have been a victim of police misconduct, you may have legal action that can help rectify this injustice.

Often these cases involve violations of one’s rights under the Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. An attorney will be able to address your legal rights further and inform you of your options. A qualified lawyer will also assist with any administrative remedies available to you and help ensure that your case is fully investigated.

How To File a Lawsuit for Police Brutality


Police officers are sworn to protect the community and uphold and enforce all laws. However, suppose you are the victim of misconduct. In that case, you may want to consider filing a claim against these individuals under one of three different sections of the law: standing’s provisions in the Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.
Suppose you consider taking legal action against a police officer based upon your experience with misconduct. In that case, it is important to consult an attorney who understands how these cases work. The attorney can help ensure that your rights under the law are protected and that you receive full compensation for your losses.

Be Aware of Police Bias and Discrimination

The law prohibits officers from using racial discrimination when making decisions related to the performance of their duties. If you find yourself a victim of police bias or prejudice, you may have legal recourse against these individuals.

However, to prove your case, it will be necessary for your attorney to show that you are from a specific racial, ethnic or religious group. A New York police brutality attorney will help explain your rights and options if you feel that you have been subject to discrimination by the police department.

Understand That You May Be Required To Give Evidence in Court


It is not an easy thing to sue a police officer. But it is also something that may be necessary if you feel as though your rights have been violated. If you decide to initiate legal action against these individuals, expect a long, tedious and complicated case. The court system requires that both parties provide ample evidence to prove their cases. If you are the victim of misconduct from the police, then it may be necessary for you to give a deposition or testify in court.

Consider Hiring an Attorney With Experience Suing Police Officers

It’s wise to have an experienced attorney when suing law enforcement officers. They should understand how these types of cases work. When filing a claim against a police officer or the department itself, your lawyer should be able to help you secure a settlement. A New York Police Misconduct Attorney will also provide you with the assistance you need to file administrative remedies and any other legal options available to you. It is important to note that you may win compensation for your losses if you decide to sue a police officer. If you sustained an injury or have had your rights violated, then a Police Brutality Attorney can help ensure that you receive the full amount of compensation to which you are entitled.

Settlements for Victims of Police Violence Vary by Case


The number of damages that you may be entitled to depend on the facts of your case. And in some cases, settlement amounts will vary significantly based upon these factors:

  • The severity of the injuries sustained by the victim
  • The number and extent of their property damages
  • The severity and extent of pain and suffering caused to them by police.
  • Any related emotional trauma that the victim may have experienced as a result of their physical injuries


If you have been the victim of police brutality or misconduct, then it may be necessary for you to seek the assistance of a New York specialized attorney. A legal Associate can provide you with all the legal guidance you need to file a claim against these officers or departments effectively.